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Production Setup

As soon as you successfully deployed ZITADEL as a proof of concept using one of our deployment guides, you are ready to configure ZITADEL for production usage.


We created a Production Checklist as a technical step by step guide.

High Availability

We recommend running ZITADEL highly available using an orchestrator that schedules ZITADEL on multiple servers, like Kubernetes. For keeping startup times fast when scaling ZITADEL, you should also consider using separate jobs with zitadel init and zitadel setup, so your workload containers just have to execute zitadel start. Read more about separating the init and setup phases on the Updating and Scaling page.


Read on the configure page about the available options you have to configure ZITADEL.



By default, metrics are exposed at /debug/metrics in OpenTelemetry (otel) format.

Also, you can enable tracing in the ZITADEL configuration.

# Choose one in "otel", "google", "log" and "none"
Type: google
Fraction: 1
MetricPrefix: zitadel


Prefer CockroachDB

ZITADEL supports CockroachDB and PostgreSQL. We highly recommend using CockroachDB, as horizontal scaling is much easier than with PostgreSQL. Also, if you are concerned about multi-regional data locality, the way to go is with CockroachDB.

Configure ZITADEL

Depending on your environment, you maybe would want to tweak some settings about how ZITADEL interacts with the database in the database section of your ZITADEL configuration. Read more about your database configuration options.

Host: localhost
Port: 26257
Database: zitadel
MaxOpenConns: 20
MaxConnLifetime: 30m
MaxConnIdleTime: 30m
Options: ""

You also might want to configure how projections are computed. These are the default values:

# The Projections section defines the behaviour for the scheduled and synchronous events projections.
# Time interval between scheduled projections
RequeueEvery: 60s
# Time between retried database statements resulting from projected events
RetryFailedAfter: 1s
# Retried execution number of database statements resulting from projected events
MaxFailureCount: 5
# Number of concurrent projection routines. Values of 0 and below are overwritten to 1
ConcurrentInstances: 1
# Limit of returned events per query
BulkLimit: 200
# Only instance are projected, for which at least a projection relevant event exists withing the timeframe
# from HandleActiveInstances duration in the past until the projections current time
# Defaults to twice the RequeueEvery duration
HandleActiveInstances: 120s
# In the Customizations section, all settings from above can be overwritten for each specific projection
BulkLimit: 2000
# The Notifications projection is used for sending emails and SMS to users
# As notification projections don't result in database statements, retries don't have an effect
MaxFailureCount: 0
# The NotificationsQuotas projection is used for calling quota webhooks
# Delivery guarantee requirements are probably higher for quota webhooks
# Defaults to 45 days
HandleActiveInstances: 1080h
# As quota notification projections don't result in database statements, retries don't have an effect
MaxFailureCount: 0
# Quota notifications are not so time critical. Setting RequeueEvery every five minutes doesn't annoy the db too much.
RequeueEvery: 300s

Manage your Data

When designing your backup strategy, it is worth knowing that ZITADEL is event sourced. That means, ZITADEL itself is able to recompute its whole state from the records in the table The timestamp of your last record in the events table defines up to which point in time ZITADEL can restore its state.

The ZITADEL binary itself is stateless, so there is no need for a special backup job.

Generally, for maintaining your database management system in production, please refer to the corresponding docs for CockroachDB or for PostgreSQL.

Data Initialization

  • You can configure instance defaults in the DefaultInstance section. If you plan to eventually create multiple virtual instances, these defaults take effect. Also, these configurations apply to the first instance, that ZITADEL automatically creates for you. Especially the following properties are of special interest for your production setup.
AccessTokenLifetime: 12h
IdTokenLifetime: 12h
RefreshTokenIdleExpiration: 720h #30d
RefreshTokenExpiration: 2160h #90d
# this configuration sets the default email configuration
# configuration of the host
#for example
# if the host of the sender is different from ExternalDomain set DefaultInstance.DomainPolicy.SMTPSenderAddressMatchesInstanceDomain to false


If you host ZITADEL as a service, you might want to limit usage and/or execute tasks on certain usage units and levels.